Power Ranking - Shades of Mascot PR
Rank | Rating | Team | Record | Comment | ||
1 (1) | 96 | Tor | ![]() |
11-2 LAC 100, Tor 117 W Ind 108, Tor 116 W Tor 108, Mem 101 W Tor 114, Mia 104 W LAL 113, Tor 124 W GS 87, Tor 111 W Tor 115, Ind 106 W Tor 105, Orl 97 W Tor 123, Det 114 W Tor 105, Utah 113 L Pho 104, Tor 113 W NY 84, Tor 107 W Hou 110, Tor 103 L |
Velociraptor from Jurassic Park - Terrifying and menacing the Toronto Raptors have stalked the league, and with ferocity and cunning have been ripping the league a part. Akin to the Velociraptor, the team has been patient and in the shadows waiting to strike. You might think you can hide from them, but ultimately you are weeks away from their clutches. The talons of Curry and Durant are extra sharp, and have the ability to hurt even the largest of other predators in the league. | |
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2 (3) | 94 | Chi | ![]() |
11-1 Cle 123, Chi 114 L Chi 117, Det 108 W Phi 96, Chi 104 W Utah 104, Chi 110 W OKC 111, Chi 119 W Chi 118, Cle 96 W Chi 117, NY 110 W SA 97, Chi 108 W LAC 116, Chi 122 W Chi 108, NY 95 W Chi 118, Utah 100 W Was 105, Chi 107 W |
Red Bull - Chicago have WINGS! Like an ad campaign the Chicago Bulls have been spruiking their success each week and for good reason. They have drank the elixir and been able to string together the wins. LaMelo Ball has proven to be the energiser and the kick of caffiene in the team that makes it take full flight. Bring into the slew of other players that this team have (Sexton, Siakam, Claxton etc.), then you have a force of nature ready to take on a bear, climb a mountain, sky-dive from a satelite, even bungee into an active volcano! |
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3 (6) | 92 | Hou | ![]() |
11-3 SA 106, Hou 125 W Hou 116, NY 115 W LAC 103, Hou 113 W Hou 113, Atl 96 W Orl 100, Hou 116 W Mil 100, Hou 108 W GS 105, Hou 113 W Hou 104, OKC 120 L Hou 122, Ind 114 W Hou 101, Bos 128 L Hou 119, Orl 100 W Hou 116, Min 119 L Por 101, Hou 118 W Hou 110, Tor 103 W |
Soyuz - Considered to be the most effective, efficient and reliable rocket of its kind, the Soyuz is a marvel of the space engineering world. Currently that is the Houston Rockets, as they have been able to build a roster that has shown the most consistently and progress of any Vitticus lineup. The rocket is led by the engine room that is Nikola Jokic - a powerful big capable of anything and everything. An much like the word Soyuz suggest 'union', the union of Jokic with the Tyrese twins has been exceptional. Which the rocket itself reaching an impressive 50 metres, the orbital module (the Tyrese twins) are just as impressive. Continuing to cause chaos on both ends, and put teams in a haze, daze, you name it! This rocket is cleared for take off! |
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4 (12) | 79 | Was | ![]() |
9-4 Det 110, Was 128 W Phi 100, Was 106 W NY 119, Was 115 L Was 113, Cha 97 W Was 111, Bos 112 L Por 95, Was 107 W Was 112, LAL 124 L Was 118, Atl 94 W Mil 109, Was 116 W Was 119, GS 112 W Was 124, LAC 100 W Was 105, Chi 107 L Min 103, Was 110 W |
4th Year Hogwarts Harry Potter - in the swing of things and figuring himself out. He knows he is a wizard, he has dealt with many of the horrors that befall him within this wizarding world, but it is quite realised. The Washington Wizards have developing and growing to do. Thankfully it is the turning point in the season, and they have the run into the playoffs to figure it out. But they cannot rest on the LeBron and Booker, which has been seen, they will need to launch a lumos to bring Jrue and Clint into the fold, and go full Expecto Patronum on the league. |
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5 (9) | 75 | Cha | ![]() |
9-4 Cha 112, LAC 84 W Cha 111, Mil 108 W Mia 102, Cha 109 W LAL 81, Cha 110 W Was 113, Cha 97 L Orl 99, Cha 107 W Mia 101, Cha 93 L Cha 106, OKC 92 W Cha 107, Atl 98 W Sac 120, Cha 111 L Dal 91, Cha 98 W Cha 100, NO 93 W Cha 90, Ind 100 L |
An Active Hornets Nest at the Front Door - You know it's there, you know when you open the door there's every chance you might be stung, and yet you open the door and risk it. The Charlotte Hornets have been stinging some, and missing others. The chance you take. It's on your door step (schedule), and you can see it coming or sometimes you forget. The Hornets are a powerhouse when fully buzzing. With alphas in KAT, Ja, Demar, and OG, Charlotte have been leaving many teams looking for an EPIPEN. A 9-4 run means some were able to get to the car after sprinting past the nest - none have been able to dismantle it. |
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6 (2) | 72 | Cle | ![]() |
9-3 Cle 123, Chi 114 W Atl 95, Cle 114 W GS 100, Cle 107 W Cle 116, Ind 111 W Chi 118, Cle 96 L Cle 114, NY 99 W Det 97, Cle 111 W Cle 110, Bkn 98 W Mia 106, Cle 107 W Cle 135, Pho 133 W Cle 98, Orl 112 L Phi 111, Cle 109 L |
Phillip Petit (The Man who walked between the Towers) - A cavalier mindset requires daring, bravery, courage, and a mindset of immense determination. The Cleveland Cavs have proven that time and time again, and have been unwavering in their ability to swing this team to become something new and vibrant, and above all relevant in the NSL. Petit and crew disguised themselves as construction workers to set the high wire between the towers - planning meticulously and having performed the feat on Notre Dame. Caution to the wind. Dedication to the cause. And a passion for pushing the limits - GM Shams has been methodically plugging holes and building this roster. Catch them at the best and suffer their cavalier ways. |
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7 (5) | 72 | Den | ![]() |
8-5 Mia 106, Den 94 L Den 108, Bkn 91 W Dal 119, Den 118 L Den 118, GS 91 W Den 93, Min 101 L Sac 93, Den 117 W Pho 96, Den 109 W Den 119, LAL 122 L Det 114, Den 117 W GS 109, Den 124 W NO 113, Den 103 L Den 123, LAC 108 W Den 116, Phi 90 W |
The Welcome Stranger - The largest alluvial gold nugget ever discovered, 'The Welcome Stranger' valued at 3-4 miliion dollars in totals money. Discoveries like this are a thing of the past, which begs the question, can Denver keep this up? They have dug up gold lately, and found themselves in an abundance of wealth and glory. Klay, Sabonis, Paul, MPJ and Mitchell have found that extra something and unearthed a win streak that GM Digga (not touching this pun), has desperately been searching for. |
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8 (10) | 69 | Bos | ![]() |
8-4 Bos 150, Mil 157 L Pho 101, Bos 109 W Bos 113, Phi 102 W Bkn 95, Bos 112 W Was 111, Bos 112 W Bos 105, Sac 113 L NY 133, Bos 132 L Hou 101, Bos 128 W Bos 117, Det 113 W Bos 103, OKC 96 W Phi 117, Bos 107 L NY 87, Bos 113 W |
Lucky the Leprechaun (Lucky Charms) - Celtic folklore has it that at the end of a rainbow, you will find a leprechaun and a pot of gold. At current, the Boston Celtics have the warm and fuzzies, like a sugar hit from Lucky Charm cereal. Sitting at the table enjoying their fix of sugar - searching the end of the rainbow for the elusive leprechaun. They have had some luck on their side, and made their own luck without the need for a leprechaun in their lives. Tatum has been exceptional, and GM Toby has made moves to turn the luck his way without having to run to the end of a rainbow with hope; has the digging begun? has the digging happened, and the gold has been found? What lies ahead? |
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9 (7) | 69 | Min | ![]() |
8-4 Min 108, Bkn 99 W Utah 105, Min 117 W Por 93, Min 101 W Min 119, Sac 108 W Den 93, Min 101 W Dal 96, Min 94 L Min 99, Pho 103 L LAC 94, Min 104 W Hou 116, Min 119 W Orl 78, Min 101 W Min 103, Was 110 L Min 86, Mem 99 L |
Werewolf - It seems a befitting identity for the Minnesotta Timberwolves as they continue to have moments of their best and moments of confusion. This coinciding with the fickle presentation of dual threat Jimmy Buckets and AD. At the moment, they are howling at the moon and have transformed somewhat. However, their are glimpses of human frailty that seep in from time to time that leave us wondering. Is this werewolf fully capable of the terror that has befallen it? Or rather is this a human dealing with the fragility of its own existence? At present, the Timberwolves continue to slumber in many respects and the future prospects might need tending too before the night is over. |
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10 (8) | 67 | OKC | ![]() |
8-4 Dal 95, OKC 108 W OKC 104, Mem 95 W NO 127, OKC 126 L LAL 100, OKC 117 W OKC 111, Chi 119 L Pho 103, OKC 111 W Hou 104, OKC 120 W Cha 106, OKC 92 L OKC 102, Bkn 93 W Bos 103, OKC 96 L OKC 114, LAL 107 W OKC 101, NY 93 W |
A Supercell - unpredictable and dangerous, a supercell can cause tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail and terrifying winds. This OKC is just that; at times it seems like a fun game between teams, opposingly there are times of brutal fury and blows to the other. Anthony Edwards is the catalyst, his influence on this supercell has been abundant, the primary reason it is so strong to begin with. Without him, it has been a calming storm with less ferocity, they will need him to be at his best to be the dominant force they have proven to be. |
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11 (21) | 61 | Sac | ![]() |
8-4 Sac 106, GS 96 W Min 119, Sac 108 L Sac 104, Dal 110 L Sac 123, SA 118 W Sac 100, LAC 113 L Sac 93, Den 117 L Bos 105, Sac 113 W Sac 113, Mem 100 W Mia 100, Sac 105 W Sac 120, Cha 111 W Atl 105, Sac 112 W Sac 106, Bkn 97 W |
Genghis Khan - King! Emperor! Leader! Whatever you want to call it! The Sacramento Kings have never been more hot than right now! Akin to Khan, they have spread the word, spread their seed (1 in 200 worldwide), and spread terror. Unassuming in their presentation, the Kings have found a magic mix to decimate their foe with the leadership of GM Klemm. Herro at the healm of this bold army, the Kings have been STREAKKKKKINNNGGGG! But they must be careful like Khan, terrains may change and weaponry/arsenal might be limited - beware the words of fates - protect your leader (Ogedei) and fortunes are on the horizon. Failure to heed this warning could be the end of the Sacramento empire as we know it! |
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12 (20) | 60 | NO | ![]() |
8-5 NY 97, NO 109 W Pho 114, NO 104 L NO 127, OKC 126 W NO 111, Atl 105 W NO 114, Pho 93 W NO 101, GS 81 W Mem 111, NO 89 L Mia 105, NO 88 L NO 115, LAC 121 L NO 113, Den 103 W Mem 116, NO 120 W Cha 100, NO 93 L NO 93, Dal 86 W |
A Pelican Stealing the Jumanji Board - DUDE! We just want to finish the game! The NOLA Pelicans have been causing chaos with their talented lineup. While others are trying to get the job done, like a pesky pelican, New Orleans have been trouble. Doncic and Westbrook out they have still be problematic. As the season progresses and teams try their hardest to trump this Pelicans team - they will continue to cause headaches. |
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13 (17) | 59 | Utah | ![]() |
8-5 Det 117, Utah 98 L Mem 106, Utah 113 W Utah 105, Min 117 L Utah 104, Chi 110 L Utah 103, Por 96 W Bkn 95, Utah 105 W Utah 100, Por 92 W Utah 110, NY 103 W Atl 92, Utah 103 W Tor 105, Utah 113 W Chi 118, Utah 100 L Utah 115, Dal 110 W Utah 86, LAL 111 L |
Miles Davis - one of the most enigmatic names in Jazz, Davis defined the identity of the jazz moment. Drugs. Tabloids. And stories galore. A dominant force that changed the game. Utah Jazz have that ability to be a game-changer with a team that many look to. On the flip side, we are seeing the erratic Davis, full of gusto and resting on ‘Birth of the Cool’. Not quite a Ron Burgundy jazz flute solo. Still more to come from Utah - this current scat solo can end. |
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14 (13) | 50 | Ind | ![]() |
6-6 Por 83, Ind 101 W Ind 108, Tor 116 L Cle 116, Ind 111 L Ind 99, SA 117 L Ind 108, Mil 91 W Ind 111, Por 91 W Tor 115, Ind 106 L Hou 122, Ind 114 L Ind 120, Atl 105 W Ind 97, Mia 102 L SA 102, Ind 109 W Cha 90, Ind 100 W |
A Pacemaker - The Indiana Pacers are a perfect 6-6. The Heart has rhythm, with predicable ups and downs. They continue to find improvements from their ailings, and have sought doctors help when needed. At current the patient is not in need of any further treatment, however if irregular heartbeats are present we suggest a direct path. The Pacers continue to tinker and find their best - at current their seems to be a cicadian rhythm to their madness. With time we will see if additional support is needed, or whether an upward life swing can occur for the franchise. |
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15 (19) | 48 | Mia | ![]() |
6-7 Mia 106, Den 94 W Mia 102, Cha 109 L Mil 110, Mia 98 L Tor 114, Mia 104 L Phi 110, Mia 115 W GS 86, Mia 106 W Orl 97, Mia 90 L Mia 101, Cha 93 W Mia 105, NO 88 W Mia 106, Cle 107 L Mia 100, Sac 105 L Ind 97, Mia 102 W Pho 113, Mia 111 L |
A Secluded Cottage Camp Fire - Comfortable the Miami Heat sit. 6-7 with an emerging list of players both young, and vetted. Things remain calm - nice - pleasant. Noone else is around - GM PK has his team as he would want them this week. But, like any secluded camp fire story can go... a) Is there a family of zombies or hillbillys out there? b) Will Cousin Jethrow throw petrol on the fire? c) Has the wind changed up recently? No. I'm just being erratic. Things are calm and nice, and it's nice to finally unwind by the fire. |
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16 (15) | 46 | LAL | ![]() |
6-6 LAL 118, Dal 112 W LAL 81, Cha 110 L Mil 101, LAL 91 L LAL 100, OKC 117 L LAL 113, Tor 124 L Was 112, LAL 124 W Phi 100, LAL 112 W Den 119, LAL 122 W GS 131, LAL 129 L LAL 106, Mil 101 W OKC 114, LAL 107 L Utah 86, LAL 111 W |
Crater Lake - A lake that is shaped around a volcanic crater is a site to see for anyone. The Lakers at the moment are that prospect - curious, intriguing and they seem timeless. The team has now been built for the now and the future, and the fans could not be happier. Get a good photo of this! At current they sit 6-6, and it would seem a cold snap has frozen the lake. It is still beautiful to look at, and shows the beautiful majestry of the highs (tall boys) and low lying plains (the guard play), but we will wait a while, and come back later to see its true beauty. |
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17 (4) | 46 | Mil | ![]() |
6-7 Bos 150, Mil 157 W Cha 111, Mil 108 L Mil 110, Mia 98 W Orl 104, Mil 101 L Mil 101, LAL 91 W Ind 108, Mil 91 L Mil 100, Hou 108 L LAC 95, Mil 109 W Mil 109, Was 116 L Mil 114, Det 106 W Mil 111, Atl 99 W LAL 106, Mil 101 L Mil 106, Pho 115 L |
Big Buck Hunter Arcade Game - Always a staple at the local pub, always being used, usually with others waiting to jump on... Big Buck Hunter is a popular arcade game. Ultimately, a game that is well liked and played by all the local boozers. Milwaukee Bucks seem that way in this PR - they've been played and seen many games - several high scores - does it need an upgrade? Does it need a Big Buck Hunter 2 install? Or can we call technical support to bring back the glory days? And one more question for good measure - is it time to jump onto the Addams Family pinball while we ponder its use? |
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18 (16) | 44 | Pho | ![]() |
6-7 Pho 120, SA 110 W Pho 101, Bos 109 L Pho 114, NO 104 W Atl 106, Pho 118 W Pho 112, Orl 119 L NO 114, Pho 93 L Pho 96, Den 109 L Pho 103, OKC 111 L Min 99, Pho 103 W Pho 104, Tor 113 L Cle 135, Pho 133 L Pho 113, Mia 111 W Mil 106, Pho 115 W |
A London Summer - "It's mighty hot!" Is it? It's all about perspective. The Phoenix Suns are that way inclined. There are times where they are scorching, and able to put any team is a serious 3rd degree burn situation. Whereas others leave us wondering if it is sheer hyperbole, and nothing by comparison to other teams. Lillard has turned this team around and given creedance to the claims - call him Climate Change. GM Laddas has been riding high on his team and for good reason since making big changes in the franchise and towards their aspirations, how long will this London Summer last? Will we be weeks or months away from a cold snap? |
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19 (24) | 43 | Phi | ![]() |
6-7 Bos 113, Phi 102 L Phi 100, Was 106 L Bkn 92, Phi 99 W Phi 96, Chi 104 L Por 95, Phi 104 W Phi 110, Mia 115 L Det 114, Phi 118 W Phi 92, Dal 106 L Phi 100, LAL 112 L Orl 91, Phi 103 W Phi 117, Bos 107 W Phi 111, Cle 109 W Den 116, Phi 90 L |
John Hancock's Signature - As one of the most important documents is written in 1776, the brains and words of masters are put down - pages upon pages (of 2nd round picks). And at the end they sit back at what they have created, IT WILL NEED AMMENDMENTS, but it is a masterpiece in democratic process that will shape a nation. And now for the signatures... Each placing theirs with absolute clarity and support in the most consistent... Wooooooo! John... That is huge. We all went small and legible and you have... The 76ers are inconsistent right now. They have games that would make Thomas Jefferson impressed and others that would reflect the tenure of William Henry Harrison (he died in 30 days). Can they find that consistency? Do they need a Hamilton style rewrite? From sea to shining sea, will we have better days in Philly? |
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20 (22) | 41 | Orl | ![]() |
6-7 GS 103, Orl 112 W Orl 104, Mil 101 W Orl 100, Hou 116 L Pho 112, Orl 119 W Orl 99, Cha 107 L Mem 108, Orl 99 L Orl 97, Mia 90 W Orl 111, LAC 105 W Tor 105, Orl 97 L Orl 91, Phi 103 L Hou 119, Orl 100 L Cle 98, Orl 112 W Orl 78, Min 101 L |
Houdini stuck in a Milk Can - Widely believed to be the greatest of all time, Houdini performed feats of magic and magicianship unseen. The Orlando Magic have done that with inconsistency - finding ways to show zest, zing and kapow in their games; thoroughly driven by magician guard Kyrie Irving. But right now they seem to be stuck. Unable to open the latch and remove themselves from the milk can, and in between breaths. Can they manage this escape in time? Can they find that extra something? Can that leave us speechless at their abilties? |
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21 (23) | 41 | SA | ![]() |
5-7 Pho 120, SA 110 L SA 106, Hou 125 L Ind 99, SA 117 W Sac 123, SA 118 L Dal 91, SA 113 W SA 110, Bkn 90 W SA 97, Chi 108 L SA 106, Det 111 L Atl 98, SA 105 W SA 102, Ind 109 L SA 107, Por 95 W Mem 113, SA 107 L |
A Pair of Genuine Cowboy Boots at Coachella - Beautifully manufactured with expert craftsmanship. These boots are immaculate. But what on earth are they doing at Coachella!? It might as well be an inappropriate headdress at this rate. This is unknown territory for the San Antonio Spurs. They have been at the top of the game from seasons and this PR find themselves at the bottom below teams that had previously been a balloon vs a hurricane by comparison. The Spurs will want to find the right placement for their prestine footwear. The Grand Ol Opry, the Alamo, even a Luke Combs concert in Melbourne would seem better placement. Time will tell if we see this Spurs team return to the top of the podium. |
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22 (14) | 37 | Det | ![]() |
5-8 Det 117, Utah 98 W Det 110, Was 128 L Chi 117, Det 108 L Det 114, LAC 95 W Det 114, Phi 118 L Det 97, Cle 111 L Det 118, Dal 110 W Tor 123, Det 114 L SA 106, Det 111 W Mil 114, Det 106 L Det 114, Den 117 L Bos 117, Det 113 L Dal 107, Det 114 W |
DMC DeLorean - the fabled car of the future made from used parts of old cars, the DeLorean was the brain-child / fever dream of John DeLorean. It looked amazing, and was an utter nightmare to drive. The Detroit Pistons have felt like that this PR. The gloss of all-star guard Jalen Brunson, and board monster efforts of Ivica Zubac haven't been enough - their are both very appealing wing-doors. At the same time, this team could turn a corner and become a Back to Future story. They have a team and a GM that could flip things to be a distant memory. It comes down to several factors - is this franchise bound for a glow-up or bound for a blow-up? |
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23 (18) | 37 | Mem | ![]() |
5-8 Mem 106, Utah 113 L Mem 99, Por 107 L OKC 104, Mem 95 L Tor 108, Mem 101 L Mem 106, NY 99 W Atl 109, Mem 102 L Mem 108, Orl 99 W Mem 111, NO 89 W Sac 113, Mem 100 L Bkn 102, Mem 97 L Mem 116, NO 120 L Min 86, Mem 99 W Mem 113, SA 107 W |
Cocaine Bear - The true story of a 79kg bear that consumed misplaced drug-smuggled cocaine amounting to 34kg. The Memphis Grizzlies are on the white powder it would seem. After stagnating, the Grizzlies are stringing together spikes in productivity. And then, in equal measure, crushing comedowns. This bear had no need for 34 kgs of cocaine to enter his system, but it did. Now it is about riding that wave, it might be good, or it might be bad. Now the taxidermied bear can officiate weddings... where to for this NSL version? |
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24 (11) | 36 | Dal | ![]() |
5-9 Dal 95, OKC 108 L Dal 119, Den 118 W LAL 118, Dal 112 L Sac 104, Dal 110 W Bkn 88, Dal 106 W Dal 91, SA 113 L Phi 92, Dal 106 W Dal 96, Min 94 W Det 118, Dal 110 L Dal 101, Por 103 L Utah 115, Dal 110 L Dal 107, Det 114 L Dal 91, Cha 98 L NO 93, Dal 86 L |
The Retired Race Horse at the Carnival - "This is Zylar, he won three Group 1 races across his time on the track..." It seems that a new era is necessary for this old horse, and the carnival is no place for it either. Not being put to stud, and merely observing. It has been tiring for the Dallas Mavericks this season as they have seen glimpses and otherwise down-swings for the majority of the season. It seems time for the next generation of this organisation, GM LJ has diligently worked towards this next stable. He has his guys and knows the brand and ilk of player he wants. Will it be another Group 1 stayer? |
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25 (27) | 15 | Por | ![]() |
3-9 Por 83, Ind 101 L Mem 99, Por 107 W Por 93, Min 101 L Utah 103, Por 96 L Por 95, Phi 104 L Por 95, Was 107 L Ind 111, Por 91 L Utah 100, Por 92 L Dal 101, Por 103 W NY 97, Por 103 W Por 101, Hou 118 L SA 107, Por 95 L |
The Trailblazers (Louis and Clarke) - As a history nut, I love a good story, even better a story of immense brain, and idiocy. Louis and Clark were ultimately successful and unsuccessful at the same time - they managed to achieve in the pursuit of developing expansion from East to West. Everything in between with both hilarious and disastrous. This smells of Portland this year - they have been glamourous in the pursuits of expanding their personal empire and creating new pathways for untapped exploration. Louis and Clark found it tough going, largely leaning on the efforts of Native Americans, who largely pittied the 'explorers'. This is where comparison ends - no one pitties the Portland Trailblazers; they have chartered their course and know all the means to do it. |
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26 (25) | 5 | GS | ![]() |
2-10 Sac 106, GS 96 L GS 100, Cle 107 L GS 103, Orl 112 L Den 118, GS 91 L NO 101, GS 81 L GS 87, Tor 111 L GS 86, Mia 106 L GS 105, Hou 113 L GS 131, LAL 129 W Was 119, GS 112 L GS 109, Den 124 L Bkn 90, GS 130 W |
47 Ronin - Avenging the death of their master after enforced seppuku, the Ronin are a tale of honor, loyalty, valour and bravery. The Golden State Warriors are that. The way this team continues to try and rebuild from the depths of dispair is honourable. With setbacks and constant strategy, the Warriors, like the Ronin have sought toward achieving their goals and aims. All the while, intimidating even the most difficult, dangerous and sword-savy of enemies. In the ranks of the 47, GM Daz has brought together the likes of Poole, Hartenstein, Monk and Simmons to become his warriors - can they triumph in their pursuits!? |
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27 (29) | 4 | LAC | ![]() |
2-10 LAC 100, Tor 117 L Cha 112, LAC 84 L LAC 103, Hou 113 L Det 114, LAC 95 L Sac 100, LAC 113 W Orl 111, LAC 105 L LAC 95, Mil 109 L LAC 94, Min 104 L LAC 116, Chi 122 L NO 115, LAC 121 W Was 124, LAC 100 L Den 123, LAC 108 L |
The newly acquired vessel (still reading the manual) - Like any vessel on the sea, you must know your craft before you set upon your voyage. The Clippers at current are finding that out. All the bells, and whistles, but an inability to get the parts to work. Some weeks she is riding the seas with reckless abandon and promise, others she is in the shop needing maintainence work completed. It seems a matter of time and appreciate for this new clipper; get enough time on the seas and she will be a beaut. Til then it is about riding the undulating waters and observing how she goes. |
28 (28) | 3 | NY | ![]() |
2-11 NY 97, NO 109 L Hou 116, NY 115 L NY 119, Was 115 W Mem 106, NY 99 L Chi 117, NY 110 L Cle 114, NY 99 L NY 133, Bos 132 W Utah 110, NY 103 L NY 97, Por 103 L NY 84, Tor 107 L Chi 108, NY 95 L NY 87, Bos 113 L OKC 101, NY 93 L |
A crusty pair of knickerbockers on Antiques Roadshow - New York have been a different team this season; GM Smokey well aware of the future plans and optics. Fans may jeer, however there are plans in place. But like that old pair of knickerbockers that appear on Antiques Roadshow - this team could be treasure or potential fodder depending on factors. My take is treasure - but for now we await the expert analysis to tell us whether the story is true. Did these belong to Benjamin Franklin or are these merely a pair of undergarment better left in the attic? | |
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29 (30) | -5 | Atl | ![]() |
1-11 Atl 95, Cle 114 L Atl 106, Pho 118 L Hou 113, Atl 96 L NO 111, Atl 105 L Atl 109, Mem 102 W Was 118, Atl 94 L Atl 92, Utah 103 L Cha 107, Atl 98 L Atl 98, SA 105 L Ind 120, Atl 105 L Mil 111, Atl 99 L Atl 105, Sac 112 L |
An injured Hawk in an Aerial Battle with an Eagle - https://youtu.be/1-xGzen0GbI?si=j7uuvzTVnfyYizzH Without watching the video, the conclusion is simple. An eagle of abundant size (NSL season) can decimate a Hawk. And that has been the case for this young hawk. It has been hard going with glimmers of hope and optimism, however the season is proving to be a brutal one. Rookie talent has been a highlight for the organisation, however it has not been enough to swing the pendulum. Veteran leadership has been lacking and this injured hawk has been flying solo, wing-affected, and in a potential tailspin toward terra-firma. |
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30 (26) | -8 | Bkn | ![]() |
1-11 Min 108, Bkn 99 L Den 108, Bkn 91 L Bkn 92, Phi 99 L Bkn 95, Bos 112 L Bkn 88, Dal 106 L SA 110, Bkn 90 L Bkn 95, Utah 105 L Cle 110, Bkn 98 L OKC 102, Bkn 93 L Bkn 102, Mem 97 W Bkn 90, GS 130 L Sac 106, Bkn 97 L |
A Busted Net in the Local School - We all know that net you avoid. Only used on the weekend for a shoot-around if ABSOLUTELY necessary. Noone has cared for it in years, and the school has left it there as a symbol of all that is wrong with the world. This is the Brooklyn Nets. What more can go wrong? Tattered. A shell of its self. Battered. The Nets are without starting lineup players, Zach Lavine (newly acquired), Brandon Ingram, and Derrick Lively - three players they desperately would want back on the court. This old net has seen better days. But right now, they are left neglected - who knows maybe the principal changed it to a new one (Murray to Lavine) |
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Comments (2) | |||
CraigB 02/18 02:22 pm | This was very cool. Great writeup!! | ||
jmac 02/12 07:35 am | You are the undisputed PR King. Brava! |