Edmond Sumner · #66 |
| Height 6-4 |
Positions PG SG SF |
Weight 176 lbs |
Drafted Undrafted |
Wingspan |
Experience 4 |
NBA Status Waived & Signed |
Birth Date 12/31/95 |
Salary 2024/25: |
Injury Status Healthy |
Years Signed |
| |
2023/10/25 |
The Orlando Magic renounce Edmond Sumner. |
2022/11/06 |
Edmond Sumner signs with the Orlando Magic for one year and the minimum salary of $ 1968175. |
2022/11/05 |
Edmond Sumner commits to the Orlando Magic for 1 year and the minimum salary of $ 1,968,175. |
2022/11/03 |
The Miami Heat renounce Edmond Sumner. |
2021/10/12 |
The Miami Heat extend the qualifying offer to Edmond Sumner. |
2021/07/31 |
Miami exercises its team-option for Edmond Sumner. |
2019/10/30 |
Edmond Sumner signs with the Miami Heat for 2 years and $ 2,000,000. |
TEAM | Contract | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 | 2028/29 | 2029/30 |
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